Our Process

We work with a variety of low-tech equipment from Kitchen blenders to hand beaten pulp using natural fibers as well as pulp made in our portable Hollander beater known as the "Critter" created by Mark Lander and shipped from New Zealand. Some of our papers incorporate sacred texts in need of recycling, overstock of printed  Mirrors or old prayer flags that are traditionally burned.

Artistically, our focus is on the creative process, not the product. Individuals explore the various applications of papermaking while working collaboratively to run the studio and present classes using their gifted skills. Together we learn the art of papermaking from our teachers, books, and each other sharing the excitement of building community. 

Currently, we are expanding our programs to include related classes in Asian calligraphy, bookmaking, printmaking, Tibetan art, and sacred arts from the Buddhist tradition. 

We invite you to join the fun!