Our newest carved wood blocks. Eternal knot and lotus in the foreground (based on an original drawing by Glen Eddy) by Jacqueline; AH by Sheryl printed on our handmade papers. Notice that the AH is carved backwards but printed in its opposite.
Join us for our Sunday, April 3 workshop with Tibetan Translator Dara Juels dedicated to writing the Mani mantra we will eventually carve into a wood block.
{Dara, Sheryl and Dara's mom at our 2014 Khandroling Summer workshop}
Daria Juels became interested in Buddhism as a teenager and after taking a college course in Buddhism began to study Zen meditation. She lived in a Zen Buddhist community for a few years while attending art school. She met her Teacher, a Tibetan Nyingma Lama, ten years ago and became interested in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as well as the Tibetan language. Studying scriptural Tibetan with Heidi Nevin, a well-known translator, she developed her knowledge of the written language. Wishing to become fluent in the spoken language Dara travelled to Nepal five years ago where she lived for almost two and a half years studying both language and meditation practices with various teachers in the Nyingma Lineage. When she returned to the United States she furthered her studies at a translator program at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde in Northern California. Dara began doing both written translation of dharma practices and teachings for buddhist teachers as well as oral translation for her husband. She has a passion for both Tibetan language and translating the vast wealth of wisdom within the spiritual tradition into English. Her wish is participate in assuring that the blessings of the path are carried into the Western languages.
The workshop takes place in the yellow schoolhouse at 18 Schoolhouse Road, Conway, MA 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. Participants can also make paper, fold origami lotus' and print on the etching press if they wish.